The Used Vehicles are our passion

Do not wait to contact us !
We expect competent advice from people who perfectly know their industry and their needs and also there simply sell a car ,
but it will also offer the optimal solution for your company

Abdulghani Veicoli Industriali

L'Abdulghani veicoli industriali  is a family-owned business that has entered its third generation, we are using the experience we have acquired over many years to satisfy our customers from all over the world.



Contact us

If you have a question about our product, please contact us!

Abdulghani Veicoli Industriali srl

Sede legale: Piazzetta Scala 2, 37121, (Vr)
Sede operativa: Via Cristoforo Colombo 5,
37066, Sommacampagna, (Vr)
Cell. 389 1875465 • Cell. 388 8578633 • Tel./Fax 045 8960155
• • P.I.04393730231